Can Dry Eyes Be Seasonal?

Can Dry Eyes Be Seasonal?

You might have dry eye syndrome if your eyes are constantly gritty, irritated, scratchy, and red. Dry eye syndrome is a condition characterized by poor quality tears or too few tears. If left untreated, it can lead to eye damage and infections. If you frequently experience dry eye symptoms, see your doctor for an eye evaluation. 



Allergies or Dry Eye?



Some symptoms of seasonal allergies are similar to those of chronic dry eye. Do you experience dry or irritated eyes, especially during the fall and spring seasons when allergens are more abundant? It would be best to get a proper diagnosis to determine the most appropriate treatment. 


Some of the symptoms they have in common include grittiness, redness, and dryness. A burning sensation is more likely with dry eyes, while itching is a common symptom of allergies. Your doctor will determine the cause of your symptoms and recommend the best treatment. 



Is Dry Eye Seasonal?



If you often experience dry eyes, seasonal changes can complicate things for you. The most crucial step is getting your eye doctor's diagnosis. That will help you understand the underlying cause of your condition and allow your doctor to determine the appropriate treatment. 


It is best to seek treatment as soon as possible because seasonal dry eyes can worsen and lead to complications. Your eye doctor may recommend medications and specific lifestyle changes to help your condition. Lifestyle changes may include quitting smoking, while medicines may include oral antihistamines, eye drops, or decongestants.



Dry Eyes During the Spring



Spring is a season of delightful scents and outdoor fun. However, it also comes with pollen and allergens that can ruin your enjoyment if you suffer from dry eye syndrome. When allergens and pollen penetrate your tear film, they block the meibomian glands. That prevents them from producing the oils needed to ensure a stable tear film, leading to eye dryness. 


Spring is a miserable time for those who experience seasonal allergies due to more severe symptoms. If you suffer from dry eye syndrome and have seasonal allergies, your symptoms and misery are twofold.



Dry Eyes During the Summer



The summer heat and humidity can rob your eyes of moisture, leaving them dry and painful. Using an air conditioner to find relief from the heat worsens the drying effects. That can lead to an annoying cycle of dry eyes. 


The dust in the air and chlorine from swimming pools can also decrease the moisture in your eyes. Do not fail to use adequate eye protection while outdoors during the summer months. Otherwise, your tear film will evaporate faster. 



Dry Eyes in the Fall



The drier, colder air in the fall may cause dry eye symptoms. Other factors that exacerbate your symptoms during the fall include outdoor activities, mold spores, and airborne allergens. 



Dry Eyes During the Winter



Symptoms of dry eyes are common in the winter due to dry outdoor air, dry heat indoors, harsh winds, and cold. Such temperature variations cause the moisture inside the eye to evaporate quickly, leading to dry eyes. 






Climate and weather can have a significant impact on your eye health. If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, changing seasons can lead to a year-long roller coaster of relief and discomfort. Fortunately, you can take steps to combat the problem throughout the year. 


For more on dry eyes, visit Justice Vision Clinic at our Duluth, Georgia office. Call (770) 626-7883 to schedule an appointment today.

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