Treating and Preventing Dry Eye

Treating and Preventing Dry Eye

Dry eye occurs in eyes that produce few tears or vaporize them too quickly. It is a common condition that affects one or both eyes. The condition can occur in healthy people of any age, but more so with older people because they produce fewer tears. Studies also show that the condition affects more women than men.


Causes of Dry Eye


To understand the treatment and prevention of dry eye syndrome, you must understand what causes it. Here are a few causes:


Reduced Tear Production - Tear production tends to decrease after the age of 40. Inflammation, irritation, and dry eyes follow the decrease. Hormonal changes in women after menopause increase the risk of the condition. Other risk factors include vitamin A deficiency, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.


Tear Mixture Imbalance - The tear film comprises water, oil, and mucus. Any imbalance in any of them can lead to dry eye syndrome.


Eyelid Problems - Eyelid issues such as blepharitis can lead to dry eyes. When the eyelid turns inward (entropion) or outward (ectropion), you can also experience dry eye.


Medications - Decongestants, antihistamines, and some diuretics can lead to dry eyes. Others include birth control pills and some sleeping pills.


Treating Dry Eye

Dry eye is typically a chronic and progressive condition. It may not be completely curable, depending on its cause. Before treating dry eye syndrome, your eye doctor will inquire about your symptoms to help in proper diagnosis.


For mild dry eye syndrome, the frequent use of lubricating eye drops or artificial tears can treat the condition. In other instances, your ophthalmologist may prescribe Restasis® (Allergan), an eye drop brand that lubricates your eye and reduces inflammation.


Other Treatments

Other dry eye treatments include:

  • Lacrisert.
  • Steroid eye drops.
  • Meibomian gland expansion.
  • Punctal plugs.
  • Warm compresses.
  • Intense pulsed light.
  • LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System.


Preventing Dry Eye

If you are suffering from dry eye, you should be aware of the situations that trigger your symptoms. You can then find ways to avoid those situations. As well, you can find ways to improve your tear production, preventing the symptoms of dry eye. You can try:

  • Using a humidifier to add moisture to the dry indoor air.
  • Avoiding air blowing directly into your eyes. This includes facing away from car heaters, fans, or air conditioners.
  • Taking frequent breaks during long tasks like reading or staring at a computer screen.
  • Using protective eyewear.
  • Stopping smoking and avoiding smoke.
  • Positioning your computer screen below your eye level.
  • Using artificial tears regularly.
  • Being more aware of your environment. Dry environments like deserts facilitate faster evaporation of tears. 



The first step in treating and preventing dry eye syndrome is understanding what is causing it. With a few simple lifestyle adjustments and medicated eye drops, you can ensure you are free of dry eyes. But if the condition does not change after trying these measures, you should visit your eye doctor right away.


For more on treating and preventing dry eye, call Justice Vision Clinic at (770) 626-7883 to reach our office in Duluth, Georgia.

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