What Are Treatment Options for Myopia?

What Are Treatment Options for Myopia?

Myopia is a condition that causes refraction problems in the eyes. It affects almost 30 percent of Americans, causing them to struggle with seeing objects at a distance. There are various ways of treating myopia. The two main treatment options are prescription lenses and surgery. Here is a look at some of those options. It may help you decide which option is more suitable for you.

Prescription Lenses


Prescription lenses are the first option that eye doctors may prescribe for you. They counteract the increased length of your eyeball or curvature of the cornea to allow you to see clearly. Prescription lenses include eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Eyeglasses are preferable as they are a safe and simple way to sharpen your vision. They are also fashionable, with different frames to choose from and designs to fit your outfit for the day. Contact lenses are available in a variety of materials and designs. You wear them on your eyes and remove the lenses at the end of the day.

Refractive Surgery


Refractive surgery uses a laser to reshape your cornea. It reduces your need for contact lenses and eyeglasses. You can undergo at least three types of surgery to improve your eyesight. They include:

Laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK)


The surgery involves the surgeon cutting a thin flap of your cornea but leaving an attachment to the cornea. The link acts as a hinge that holds the flap to the cornea. The surgeon flattens the dome shape of the cornea by removing the inner layers. Once they are through, they carefully reposition the flap over the cornea. LASIK is effective and less uncomfortable than other refractive surgeries.

Laser-assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy (LASEK)


In this refractive surgery, the surgeon makes a thin flap. However, they only cut into the epithelial outer protective part of the cornea. Using a laser, they reshape the underpart of the corneal layers and flatten it. Afterward, they replace the ultra-thin epithelium on the eye. The procedure sharpens your vision and reduces your reliance on eyeglasses.

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)


The procedure is like laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy. However, the surgeon removes the epithelium in photorefractive keratectomy. The surgeon flattens the cornea, giving it a new shape for increased clarity. The epithelium will grow back naturally and conform to the flat corneal shape.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-k)


The procedure is not surgical. Instead, it uses overnight lenses to flatten the front of the cornea. The rigid, gas-permeable lenses shape your cornea as you sleep and help you see clearly during the day. However, be consistent in wearing them. Otherwise, the cornea will bounce back and regain its shape. You will return to having trouble focusing on distant objects.

Other Treatments


There are other treatments that eye doctors recommend to slow down or stop the progression of myopia. They include atropine drops, bifocal lenses, and increasing your time outdoors. You can also take time from digital devices and do eye exercises to strengthen your muscles. Whatever the doctor prescribes, follow the instructions carefully or your eyesight may worsen.

For more information on treatment options for myopia, visit Justice Vision Clinic at our office in Duluth, Georgia. Call (770) 626-7883 to book an appointment today.

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